The Black Lungs - These Moments Define Us

And I'll speak for them.
The untimely, the tragic, the should have beens.
For our loved ones to hear and our fallen friends.
Don't choke up, be eloquent.
It's moments like this that define us.
Most of my friends, they drink too much.
It seems the more they're in tune with the times the more they drink,
I don't know why.
They're wearing out early.
Hard and languid at twenty-one.
This city is bloated glutted and stupid.
The damage done.
This goddamn restlessness is approaching hysteria.
It doesn't muster much delight all the fucking and the fights.
It's awful easy to let go.
I know more than I let on or hope to do so and I'll speak for them.
The untimely, the tragic, the should have beens.
For our loved ones to hear and our fallen friends.
Don't choke up, be eloquent.
It's moments like this that define us in the end.